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(2022-02-28) Discussion Paper (up to 702) uploaded
(2021-09-15) Professor Emeritus Noriyuki Takayama of Hitotsubashi University, who was the first Director of the Center for Intergenerational Studies, has received the first JSS Nakamura Takafusa Award from the Japan Statistical Society.
Please see the following link for further information (in Japanese): http://takayama-online.net/Japanese/pdf/web/web_20210906.pdf
(2019-06-17) The Databases on the 2011 Internet Survey on Life and Work(LOSEF 2011) are available for public use

The Datasets on the First Wave of JSTAR are available for public use 


International Seminar on Priority Challenges in Pension Administration, 20-22 January 2010


The highest grade (A+: Research has progressed beyond the initial objectives and achievements greater than first expected are anticipated) as the interim assessment received from the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) for the PIE-stage 2, 18 September 2009


International Conference on Annuities Markets: Structure, Trends and Innovations 29-30 January 2009


World Bank-MOF-Hitotsubashi Workshop on "Closing the Coverage Gap," 20-22 February 2008