
No Author(s) Title Date
346 Takayama, N. Collecting Social Security Contributions in the United States(in Japanese) February 2008
347 Aoki, R. On the Persistence of Low Birthrate in Japan February 2008
348 Kumagai, N. The Effect of Cost Containment on the Outpatient in Japan February 2008
349 Nakazawa, K.
Kawase, A.
An Empirical Analysis of the Welfare Migration in Japan (in Japanese) February 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
350 Komatsu, H. Study of Financing New Health Insurance for the Elderly (in Japanese) February 2008
351 Kan, M. Health Disparities and the Effects of the Elderly Health Care System in Japan: An Empirical Test of Grossman's Model (in Japanese) February 2008
352 Kawahara, S. On the Aging Issues of Rural Areas in China and Japan (in Japanese) March 2008
353 Uesugi, I. Efficiency of Credit Allocation and Effectiveness of Government Credit Guarantees: Evidence from Japanese Small Businesses February 2008
354 Sakai, K. 
Uesugi, I. 
Watanabe, T.
Firm Age and the Evolution of Borrowing Costs: Evidence from Japanese Small Firms February 2008
355 Sugahara, R. An Evaluation on External Effect of Regional Medical Service Supply (in Japanese) March 2008
356 Miyazato, M. An Estimation of Value of a Statistical Life Based on Micro Data (in Japanese) March 2008
357 Yamada, T. Birth Order and Infant Medical Expenditure (in Japanese) March 2008
358 Shiraishi, K. Pension Reform in Japan: Prospects for Minimum Pension Guarantee and Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) (in Japanese) March 2008
359 Aoki, R. 
Schiff, A.
Intellectual Property Clearinghouses: The Effects of Reduced Transaction Costs in Licensing March 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
360 Schiff, A. 
Aoki, R.
Differentiated Standards and Patent Pools March 2008
361 Aoki, R. 
Schiff, A.
Intellectual Property Clearninghouses and Investment in R&D March 2008
362 Aoki, R. 
Schiff, A.
Intellectual Property Access Systems March 2008
363 Genda, R. Why Non-regulars Should Not Leave in a Year: From Non-typical to Typical Jobs by Turnover in Japan (in Japanese) March 2008
364 Genda, Y. Hope and Society March 2008
365 Nakamura, N. Is There Any Hope for "Kamaishi"?: The Regeneration of a Former Company Town March 2008
366 Ohori, K. The Significance of Green Tourism in the City of Kamaishi March 2008
367 Hara, C. Complete Monotonicity of the Representative Consumer's Discount Factor March 2008
368 Hara, C. Effects of Background Risks on Cautiousness with an Application to a Portfolio Choice Problem March 2008
369 Arita, F. Life course selection of the woman of Toyo-Eiwa University alumni (in Japanese) March 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
370 Tanaka, H. Integration of Pension, Assistance and Taxation: How to Balance Insurance Role with Redistribution Role
April 2008
371 Ono, A. 
Uesugi, I.
The Role of Collateral and Personal Guarantees in Relationship Lending: Evidence from Japan's SME Loan Market April 2008
372 Matsumoto, K. Policies for Securing and Fostering Care Workforce in Germany (in Japanese) April 2008
373 Suzuki, W. Welfare analysis of introducing market-based mechanisms to child-care system in Japan (in Japanese) April 2008
374 Takayama, N. Population Registration and Collecting Social Insurance Contributions in Sweden (in Japanese) April 2008
375 Ikenaga, T. Labor Market Polarization in Japan - Changes in Tasks and the Impact of the Introduction of IT - April 2008
376 Takayama, N.
Miyake, H.
Shifting the Basic Pension to a Tax Financed Pension in Japan: A Rough Estimate (in Japanese) April 2008
377 Kuroda, S. Measuring Hours Worked and Leisure Using 1976-2001 Japanese Time-Use Survey : Do Japanese Work Too Much? (in Japanese) May 2008
378 Suzuki, W. Changing the Japanese Health Care Insurance from 'Pay-as-you-go' to Prefunded System: Monte Caro Simuration Analysis (in Japanese) May 2008
379 Asheim, G.B. 
Bossert, W. 
Sprumont, Y.
Suzumura, K.
Infinite-horizon Choice Functions June 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
380 Bossert, W. 
Suzumura, K.
Multi-Profile Intergenerational Social Choice June 2008
381 Asher, M.G.
Vasudevan, D.
Lessons for Asian Countries from Pension Reforms in Chile June 2008
382 Bossert, W.
Suzumura, K.
External Norms and Rationality of Choice July 2008
383 Meniere, Y. 
Parlane, S.
Decentralized of Licensing of Complementary Patents: Comparing Royalty, Fixed Fee and Two Part Tariff July 2008
384 Leveque, F. 
Meniere, Y.
Early Commitments Help Patent Pool Formation July 2008
385 Asher, M. 
Nandy, Amarendu
Managing Prolonged Low Fertility: The Case of Singapore July 2008
386 Takayama, N.
Miyake, H.
Shifting the Basic Pension to a Tax Financed Pension in Japan: A Rough Estimate- July 2008 Version (in Japanese) April 2008
387 Kagaya, T. Convergence of Retirement Benefit Accounting and Usability of Accounting Information (in Japanese) July 2008
388 Takayama, N. Pension Coverage in Japan August 2008
389 Ikenaga, T. Labor policy trend in Japan - Responding to diversity and importance of policy evaluation-(in Japanese) August 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
390 Wada, K. Can Female Autonomy Improve Children’s Welfare? Microeconometric Evidence from Rural India(in Japanese) August 2008
391 Kamaga, K. 
Kojima, T.
Q-anonymous social welfare relations on infinite utility streams August 2008
392 Kojima, T. 
Kamaga, K.
On the leximin and utilitarian overtaking criteria with extended anonymity August 2008
393 Bateman, H. Australia's "Lost" Superannuation (Retirement Saving) Accounts August 2008
394 Asheim, G. 
d'Aspremont, C. 
Banerjee, K.
Generalized time-invariant overtaking August 2008
395 Sakai, T. Intergenerational equity and an explicit construction of welfare criteria August 2008
396 Hara, C. Heterogeneous impatience in a continuous-time model August 2008
397 Pattanaik, P.
Xu, Y.
Dominance and context-dependence in multi-attribute decision-making August 2008
398 Takayama, N. 
Miyake, H.
Pension Implementation Issues and Shifting to a Universal Pension in Japan (in Japanese) August 2008
399 Ozaki, T. Tax Arrangements in Japanese DC Pension Plans(in Japanese) September 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
400 Uesugi, I. 
Sakai, K. 
Yamashiro, G. M.
The Effectiveness of Public Credit Guarantees in the Japanese Loan Market September 2008
401 Ono, A. 
Sakai, K. 
Uesugi, I.
The Effects of Collateral on SME Performance in Japan September 2008
402 Takeshita, K. Investment Guidelines for the Occupational Pensions of Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (in Japanese) September 2008
403 Miyai, H. On Investing in ESG (in Japanese) September 2008
404 Yamazaki, S. DC Pension Plans in Japan (in Japanese) October 2008
405 Kitamura, T. 
Nakajima, K.
Effects of Continuing Education on Investment (in Japanese) October 2008
406 Fujii, Y. Internaional Trends in the Accounting Standard of Retirement Benefits (in Japanese) October 2008
407 Oshio, T. 
Oishi Sato, A. 
Shimizutani, S.
Social Security Reforms and Labor Force Participation of the Elderly in Japan October 2008
408 Oshio, T. 
Shimizutani, S. 
Oishi Sato, A.
Does Social Security Induce Withdrawal of the Old from the Labor Force and Create Jobs for the Young? : The Case of Japan October 2008
409 Shiraishi, K. The Use of Microsimulation Models for Pension Analysis in Japan (in Japanese) October 2008


No Author(s) Title Date
410 Shimizutani, S. 
Oshio, T.
The Labor Supply Effect of Social Security Earnings Test Revisited: New Evidence From its Elimination and Revivial in Japan November 2008