
No Author(s) Title Date
283 Werding, M. Implicit Pension Debt and the Role of Public Pensions for Human Capital Accumulation: An Assessment for Germany January 2006
284 Oksanen, H. Actuarial Neutrality across Generations Applied to Public Pensions under Poulation Ageing January 2006
285 Robson, W. Accounting for and Thinking about Social Security Liabilities in Canada January 2006
286 Littlewood, M. New Zealand: financing retirement January 2006
287 Yoshida, H. Intergenerational Imbalance and Fiscal Reform in Japan: Approach with Generational Accounting (in Japanese) January 2006
288 Takayama, N. Why Not Change the Working Style of Men in Japan? December 2006
289 Yip, P. An Analysis of the Lowest Total Fertility Rate in Hong Kong SAR December 2006


No Author(s) Title Date
290 Cho, Y. An Analysis of Women's Fertility and Labor Supply: Implications for Family Policies December 2006
291 Chen, Y. Intercultural Marriage and Its Impact on Fertility in Taiwan December 2006
292 Peng, X. Fertility Transition in China December 2006
293 Straughan, P. Stork & Cupid Out to Lunch? A Sociological Appreciation of Late Marriage and Low Fertility on Singapore Society December 2006
294 Suzuki, T. Lowest-Low Fertility and Governmental Actions in Japan December 2006
295 Wooten, J. Recent Pension Legislation in the United States December 2006
296 Shimizu, N. Reinventing the Risk-Sharing Mechanism of DB Plans (in Japanese) December 2006
297 Suzumura, K. Choice, Opportunities, and Procedures: Collected Papers of Kotaro Suzumura
Part I Rational Choice and Revealed Preference
December 2006
298 Suzumura, K. Choice, Opportunities, and Procedures: Collected Papers of Kotaro Suzumura
Part II Equity, Efficiency, and Sustainability
December 2006
299 Suzumura, K. 
Xu, Y.
Consequentialism and Non-Consequentialism: The Axiomatic Approach December 2006