
No Author(s) Title Date
463 Suzuki, W.
Zhou, Y.
Increasing National Pension Premium Defaulters and Dropouts in Japan January 2010
464 Ikenaga, T.
Kanbayashi, R.
Long-term trends in the Polarization of the Japanese Labor Market: The Increase of Non-routine Task Input and Its Valuation in the Labor Market January 2010
465 Kumagai, N. On Geographic Inequality in Japanese Regional Health Insurance February 2010
466 Okumura, T.
Usui, E.
Do Parents' Social Skills Influence Their Children's Sociability? March 2010
467 Ikenaga, T.
Kawaguchi, D.
Training Opportunities for "Marginal Workers" in Japan March 2010
468 Inagaki, S. Overview of INAHSIM: A Microsimulation Model for Japan March 2010
469 Inagaki, S. Effects of Proposals for Basic Pension Reform on the Income Distribution of the Elderly in Japan March 2010


No Author(s) Title Date
470 Takayama, N.
Shiraishi, K.
Kawashima, H.
The US-type EITC in Japan: A Preliminary Approach (in Japanese) March 2010
471 Suge, M. Formal care use among Japanese elderly before and after the introduction of public long-term care insurance: A preliminary analysis with emphasis on family structure (in Japanese) March 2010
472 Hanaoka, C. Relative wages and direct care worker turnover occurred during the
first three years of employment in Japan's public long-term care (in Japanese)
March 2010
473 Miyazato, N.
Ogura, S.
Empirical Analysis of the Incidence of Employer's Contributions for Health Care and Long Term Care Insurances in Japan April 2010
474 Cigno, A. How to Deal with Covert Child Labour, and Give Children an Effective Education, in a Poor Developing Country: An Optimal Taxation Problem with Moral Hazard April 2010
475 Okumura, T.
Usui, E.
Concave-Monotone Treatment Response and Monotone Treatment Selection: With an Application to the Returns to Schooling June 2010
476 Oshio, T.
Kobayashi, M.
Association of smoking and drinking with socioeconomic factors: A comparative study based on bivariate probit model analysis June 2010
477 Gomis-Porqueras, P.
Kam, T.
Lee, J.
Search-Theoretic Money, Capital and International Exchange Rate Fluctuations June 2010
478 Kam, T. On a Unique Nondegenerate Distribution of Agents in the Huggett Model June 2010
479 Ikenaga, T.
Kawaguchi, D.
Labor-Market Attachment and Training Participation July 2010


No Author(s) Title Date
480 Kao, T.
Vaithianathan, R.
Optimality of no-fault medical liability systems July 2010
481 Tanaka, H. Review of Tax, Contribution and Social Welfare Benefit: Toward the Integration of Tax and Social Welfare System (in Japanese) July 2010
482 Oguro, K.
Oshio, T.
Takahata, J.
Ability transmission, endogenous fertility, and educational subsidy August 2010
483 Aoki, R.
Small, J.
The Economics of Number Portability: Switching Costs and Two-Part Tariffs August 2010
484 Bossert, W.
Suzumura, K .
Multi-Profile Intergenerational Social Choice August 2010
485 Oshio, T.
Shimizutani, S.
Disability Pension Program and Labor Force Participation in Japan: A Historical Perspective September 2010
486 Inagaki, S. Policy Simulation of Pension Reform Proposals by Dynamic Microsimulation Model (in Japanese) September 2010
487 Oshio, T.
Nozaki, K
Kobayashi, M.
Relative income and happiness in Asia: Evidence from nationwide surveys in China, Japan, Korea October 2010
488 Kan, V. The Change in SME Policy and its Outcome in Uzbekistan (in Japanese) October 2010
489 Kan, V. The Impact of Former Socialist State-owned Enterprises Restructuring on Startups during the Transition in Uzbekistan (in Japanese) October 2010


No Author(s) Title Date
490 Kan, V. Regional Determinants of New Firm Formation in a Transition Economy: The Case of Uzbekistan October 2010
491 Takayama, N.
Shiraishi, K.
Effective Burdens of VAT by Japanese Households (in Japanese) October 2010
492 Ihori, T. Reform Proposal of Public Pension in Japan and Individual Retirement Account (in Japanese) November 2010
493 Oguro, K.
Shimasawa, M.
Aoki, R.
Oshio, T.
Demographic Change, Intergenerational Altruism, and Fiscal Policy-A Political Economy Approach- November 2010
494 Hojo, M.
Oshio, T.
What factors determine student performance in East Asia? New evidence from TIMSS 2007 December 2010
495 Inagaki, S. Income Disparities and Behavior of People Born in 1950s-Outline and Analysis of Internet Survey on the Individual Records of Regular Pension Coverage Notice-(in Japanese) December 2010
496 Takayama, N. Pension Record-keeping Problems in Japan December 2010